• A credit bureau is a commercial legal entity that collects, stores, analyzes and submits credit reports, as well as carries out other activities defined by the legislation, which constitute the credit history of the subject of credit history.

  • Information on credit history provided to users of information within the scope and scope of information permitted by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Credit Bureaus.

  • Irrespective of the method and form in which the information is stored, the information on the current and paid debts of the credit history subject, the security of debt obligations, as well as the information necessary to assess the solvency and enforcement of debt obligations.

  • For receiving credit history the applicant must apply to Baku “ASAN Kommunal” Center No.1 (Academic Hasan Aliyev str. 34, Baku) yourself or via plenipotentiary person, with electronic signature (https://www.acb.az/services/extract-from-the-credit-bureau.html) or with remote application to Bureau.

  • Credit scoring is a 3-digit rating system based on mathematical and statistical methods and assessing the customer's ability to repay the loan based on the current credit history. Scoring is designed to predict risks that give you an idea of ​​whether or not you will repay your loan obligations in the coming period at the organization that provides the loan or loan product.