Information by the "Azerbaijan Credit Bureau"

Information | 13.06.2023

Recently, using the logo of the "Azerbaijan Credit Bureau" (AKB) for the purpose of fraud, a fake page called "Asan Credit Bureau" was created with the address "@asankredit24saat" and offered various "credit products" without collateral or guarantor on the basis of a certain payment.

We inform you that the posts made on the relevant page do not reflect the truth and do not have any relevance to AKB.

Law enforcement agencies have been informed about the already mentioned page by AKB.

We urge our citizens not to believe such pages, which have no basis, and to be vigilant against such situations.

In addition, AKB is a legal entity that collects, stores, analyzes and issues credit reports, as well as performs other types of activities defined by legislation.

At the same time, we inform you that there is no official page of AKB on the "Tik-tok" social network.