A new service of the Azerbaijan Credit Bureau - Notification service has been launched
Azerbaijan Credit Bureau (Bureau) launched its new service - Notifications service on the Findoc.az portal. Through the relevant service, citizens will be able to instantly receive a notification about the days of delay reflected in their credit history.
The service includes receiving notifications for Findoc users about the days of delinquency provided by data providers for loans during the current month.
The purpose of the notification service is to notify the citizen immediately about delays in the credit history and to provide an opportunity to constantly monitor the credit report.
The service is provided free of charge only to those registered on Findoc and is automatically activated for each user. An additional opportunity has been created for users to stop the service. For this, it is possible to disable or reactivate the corresponding functionality by going to the "Settings" section of the Findoc portal.
We remind you that every user can get their credit report twice a year completely free of charge.
Currently, the number of people registered on the Findoc portal is more than 50 thousand.
To register remotely from the Findoc portal, the https://findoc.az/ link is used.
The portal operates in real-time, on a 24/7 basis.
The bureau was established on January 15, 2018. The bureau collects, stores, and analyzes credit history data from credit organizations, including leasing, insurance, utility service companies, loan companies, as well as other databases related to debt obligations and is an institution that ensures the formation of reports, the provision of individual ratings to borrowers and the implementation of other value-added services.
Currently, the number of organizations connected to the Bureau is more than 220.