"Azerbaijan Credit Bureau" LLC obtained the international certificate for ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Information Security Management System
"Azerbaijan Credit Bureau" LLC (ACB) has obtained the international certificate for ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Information Security Management System.
The assessment was carried out by the prestigious company "CFECERT", accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), which has the required authority to carry out the certification.
During the relevant assessment, the compliance of the organization's information security policies, procedures, and activities with the requirements of the latest international standards, as well as the work done in the direction of information security risk management, was assessed, and as a result, ACB's compliance with the relevant certificate was confirmed. The evaluation was carried out according to the latest updated 2022 version of the ISO/IEC 27001 certification.
The ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification reflects ACB's continuous efforts to improve the efficiency and security of its operations, strengthen data protection measures, and further strengthen trust among its partners. By achieving the relevant certificate, ACB is pleased to once again state that it is a reliable partner as an active participant in the banking and financial ecosystem.
It should be noted that ACB was established on January 15, 2018. ACB is an institution that collects, stores, analyzes the data that make up the credit history of those customers from credit institutions, as well as from wider sources, including leasing, insurance, utility companies and companies that carry out the purchase and sale of goods on loan, the formation of credit reports, provides borrowers with individual ratings and other value-added services.
Currently, the number of partners of ACB is about 240.
In addition to providing support to corporate organizations, ACB provides its services to citizens through the Findoc portal (www.findoc.az).